Message from the CEO

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Building a Society
Brimming with Teamwork

At Cybozu our vision is to build a society brimming with teamwork. Since our inception, we have focused on developing teamwork-enabling software solutions that will make this vision a reality. Our software solutions have been deployed in many diverse industry verticals by organizations big and small around the globe. In addition, our cloud service, launched in 2011, has enjoyed consistent growth and now makes up 90% of the Cybozu group’s total sales.

Our activities now extend beyond software. At Cybozu we realize that teamwork is ultimately about people. That is why we don't limit our endeavors to software, but seek to empower and enable teamwork in a myriad of other ways, all in pursuit of creating a society brimming with teamwork. These activities include promoting work-style reform, disseminating information through our owned media sites, supporting regional development, and connecting customers and partners.

And moving forward, all of our team members at Cybozu will continue to work together as one to build a society brimming with teamwork. We look forward to your kind support and advice in our quest to achieve this vision.

Yoshihisa Aono


Yoshihisa Aono is the CEO of Cybozu. Aono was born in 1971. He was raised in Imabari, a city on the coast of the Inland Sea, in Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku, Japan. After graduating from the Department of Information Systems Engineering, School of Engineering, at Osaka University, he joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., (which is now Panasonic Corporation) where he worked before founding Cybozu in Matsuyama City, Ehime’s Prefectural capital, in August 1997. In April 2005, he was appointed Representative Director and President of Cybozu, Inc. Aono has promoted workstyle reform within the company, dramatically reducing the staff turnover rate from a high of 28%. He is also a father of three children, and has taken childcare leave three times. In 2011, the company began shifting its business to the Cloud, and as of 2024, the Cloud business accounts for 90% of its total sales. Aono has served as an external advisor to several national Japanese government ministries including: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Cabinet Office of Japan, and the Cabinet Secretariat on workstyle reform projects. In the private sector sphere, Aono serves as Senior Vice-Chairman of the Software Association of Japan (SAJ).